Many Mouths to Feed,
Trumpeter Swan
Acrylic on Panel
13.75 x 22
Oil and Acrylic Painting featuring Landscapes, Nature, and Wildlife
This site introduces to the world the art of George Van Humbeck, artist, painter, naturalist, and teacher. Besides visual links to his art this site also gives details about the process of creating fine works of art for the artist community, beginner or advanced, acrylic or oil painting.
Currently on display at the Laurence House Centre for the Arts
Oil on Canvas
40 x 26
Between Jasper and Banff along the Icefields Parkway there are numerous stunning views of the Rocky Mountains. Rarely do I every find that a painting's composition is exactly as it was shot from a single reference photograph. This composition foreground was purposely married to the background to intensify the "Uplifted" theme.
I did find patience fruitful with the near white parts of the painting. Don't be in a hurry to paste a thick layer of white on your canvas. Successive thin layers (in most cases five) allowed for textural and variegated complexity to come through. A glaze of cadmium yellow medium and titanium white last aided in the feel of a late afternoon sun.
Several thumbnail sketches were experimented with before I thought I had a composition that would work. From there I created this detailed sketch.